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5 Top Tips for Running a Side Business Alongside Your Job

July 27, 2023

5 Top Tips for Running a Side Business Alongside Your Job

For those of us that dream of working for ourselves, it’s not always that easy when we already have a job. Working alongside a side business is no easy task and it’s definitely not for the faint of heart.


Making a business work in any instance requires a lot of time and dedication to even get it off the ground, let alone something that you can do full-time. Throw in a side business you are trying to make something of, and you’re swept off your feet. We aren’t trying to put you off, we are just sharing the frustration that many of us feel when trying to balance both worlds. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible.


Here are our top tips for running a side business while balancing your already time-consuming job!


Plan Everything


Plan everything, and we mean plan everything. Plan everything work and business related and even anything else that consumes a great deal of time. Invest in a planner or find and create something online if that’s more your style and find a system that works for you. This way you can track everything and see what works best for you.Leave a space to make a list of your top priorities for each day to make sure they get done.


Treat It the Same as Your Job


We understand that sometimes your current paying job needs to take complete priority, sometimes it’s just unavoidable. However, as we said, building a business takes a lot of time and effort, which means itdeserves to be treated as such. We aren’t saying that you need to quit your job r let all of your tasks fall behind. What we are saying is that you need todedicate time each day to doing something for your business.


Give Yourself a Break


We’re all for hustling to make a business work, but not at the expense of happiness. If you work constantly without a break, the only thing you will achieve is burnout. The problem with burnout is that it can be hard to get out of. That's why it’s important to take care of yourself. Give yourself time to relax and recharge. Whether it’s taking a walk outside or relaxing in a bubble bath, do something that makes you feel happy. You’ll be surprised how much motivation you will regain from giving yourself a break.


Keep Things Separate


You’ve heard the term, “Don’t mix business with pleasure”,but what about mixing business and work? Your job and your business are both completely different parts of your life, and they should be treated that way.Regardless of whether your job and business fall under the same branch, your business should be kept separate. That means separate planning, even a separate phone if you can.


Keep Your Goals Close


You are inevitably going to feel stressed along the way and there might be times when you want to give up. When that happens, it’s important to remind yourself why you are doing this. Keep your goals close to constantly remind yourself what you are trying to achieve. Something as simple as a sticky note on your desk or a vision board in your office.

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